# Class: Intermodular

# Hierarchy

  • Intermodular

# Properties

# Readonly config

config: DataFile

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:22

Configuration for source module in target module as a DataFile instance.

# Readonly logger

logger: Logger

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:25

Winston compatible logger.

# Readonly sourceModule

sourceModule: Module

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:16

Module instance of node module which is used as source for modification operations such as copy, update.

# Readonly targetModule

targetModule: Module

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:19

Module instance of node module which is used as target for modification operations such as copy, update.

# Methods

# areEquivalentFiles

areEquivalentFiles(sourceModuleFilePath: string, targetModuleFilePath: string): Promise‹boolean›

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:211

Returns whether given files from source module and target module are equal using method described below:

  • For data files such as JSON or YAML, returns whether they are deeply equal. (Objects does not have to have same key order.)
  • For .js and .ts files, files are transpiled and minified then copmpared. (To overcome comment and simple format changes.)
  • For other files returns whether their string content are equal.

# Example

intermodular("module-files/src/address.js", "src/address.js");
intermodular("module-files/config/.eslintrc", ".eslintrc");
intermodular("module-files/some.txt", "some.txt");


Name Type Default Description
sourceModuleFilePath string - is the file path relative to source module root.
targetModuleFilePath string sourceModuleFilePath is the file path relative to target module root. If not provided uses same relative path as sourceModuleFilePath.

Returns: Promise‹boolean›

whether given files are equivalent.

# command

command(cmd: string, options?: ExecuteOptions): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:190

Executes given command using execa.command with cwd as target module's root. Additionally adds source module's node_modules/.bin to path.

# Example

intermodular.command("ls"); // Run `ls`.
intermodular.command("ls -al", { stdio: "inherit" }); // Run `ls -al`.


Name Type Description
cmd string is command to execute.
options? ExecuteOptions are passed to Execa.

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

[[ExecaReturnValue]] instance.

command(cmd: string, options?: ExecuteOptions‹null›): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:191


Name Type
cmd string
options? ExecuteOptions‹null›

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

# copy

copy(sourcePath: string, targetPath: string, copyOptions: CopyOptions): Promise‹string[]›

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:124

Copies a file or directory from pathInSourceModule relative to source module root to pathInTargetModulerelative to target module root. The directory can have contents. Like cp -r. IMPORTANT: Note that if source is a directory it will copy everything inside of this directory, not the entire directory itself.

# Example

// Copy everything in `/path/to/project/node_modules/module-a/src/config/` to `/path/to/project/`
const copiedPaths = copySync("src/config", ".");
const copiedFiles = copySync("src/config", ".", { excludeDirFromReturn: true });


Name Type Default Description
sourcePath string - is source to copy from.
targetPath string sourcePath is destination to copy to. Cannot be a directory.
copyOptions CopyOptions {} -

Returns: Promise‹string[]›

copied files and directories. Directories can be optionally excluded.

# execute

execute(bin: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecuteOptions): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:154

Executes given command using execa with given arguments and options with cwd as target module's root. Applies sensible default options. Additionally adds source module's node_modules/.bin to path.

# Example

intermodular.execute("ls"); // Run `ls`.
intermodular.execute("ls", ["-al"], { stdio: "inherit" }); // Run `ls -al`.


Name Type Description
bin string is binary file to execute.
args? string[] are arguments to pass to executable.
options? ExecuteOptions are passed to Execa.

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

[[ExecaReturnValue]] instance.

execute(bin: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecuteOptions‹null›): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:155


Name Type
bin string
args? string[]
options? ExecuteOptions‹null›

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

execute(bin: string, options?: ExecuteOptions): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:168

Executes given command using execa with given arguments and options with cwd as target module's root. Applies sensible default options. Additionally adds source module's node_modules/.bin to path.

# Example

intermodular.execute("ls"); // Run `ls`.
intermodular.execute("ls", { stdio: "inherit" }); // Run `ls`.


Name Type Description
bin string is binary file to execute.
options? ExecuteOptions are passed to Execa.

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue›

[[ExecaReturnValue]] instance.

execute(bin: string, options?: ExecuteOptions‹null›): Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:169


Name Type
bin string
options? ExecuteOptions‹null›

Returns: Promise‹ExecaReturnValue‹Buffer››

# log

log(logLevel: LogLevel, message: string): void

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:40

Logs given message with required level using logger provided during object construction.


Name Type Description
logLevel LogLevel is the level to log message.
message string is the message to log.

Returns: void

# Static isEnvSet

isEnvSet(variable: string): boolean

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:285

Returns whether variable is set in environment variables and not empty.


Name Type Description
variable string is name of the environment variable to check.

Returns: boolean

whether given environment variable is set and not empty.

# Static new

new(__namedParameters: object): Promise‹Intermodular

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:242

Creates and returns Intermodular instance.


Default value __namedParameters: object= {}

are options

Name Type Description
commandStdio undefined | "pipe" | "ignore" | "inherit" | undefined | number | "pipe" | "ignore" | "inherit" | internal‹› | "ipc"[] -
logger undefined | Logger is Winston compatible logger or console.
overwrite undefined | false | true is whether to overwrite files by default.
source undefined | string | Module‹› is the source module or a path in source module. By default immediate parent's root dir is used. Immediate parent is the file which calls this method.
target undefined | string | Module‹› is the target module or a path in target module. By default process.env.INIT_CWD or process.env.CWD is used whichever is first available.

Returns: Promise‹Intermodular

Intermodular instance.

# Static parseEnv

parseEnvT›(variable: string, defaultValue?: T): string | number | Record‹string, any› | T | undefined

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:299

Parses and returns variable environment variable. If value is JSON object, parses using JSON5 and returns it as a JavaScript object. Otherwise returns defaultValue.

Type parameters:



Name Type Description
variable string is Name of the environment variable
defaultValue? T is value to return if no environment variable is set or is empty.

Returns: string | number | Record‹string, any› | T | undefined

environment variable (if possible as an object) or default value.