# intermodular

# Type aliases

# CopyFilterFunction

Ƭ CopyFilterFunction: function

Defined in src/util/types.ts:22

Type for function to filter copied files.

# Type declaration:

▸ (fullSourcePath: string, fullTargetPath: string, isSourceDirectory: boolean, isTargetDirectory: boolean, sourceContent?: string | DataFile, targetContent?: string | DataFile): boolean | Promise‹boolean›

Sync callback function to filter copied files.


Name Type Description
fullSourcePath string path of source file.
fullTargetPath string path of target file.
isSourceDirectory boolean is whether source path is a directory.
isTargetDirectory boolean is whether target path is a directory.
sourceContent? string | DataFile is string content or {@link DataFile https://www.npmjs.com/package/edit-config} instance if content of source file is parseble object. If file does not exist or is a directory, this is undefined.
targetContent? string | DataFile is string content or {@link DataFile https://www.npmjs.com/package/edit-config} instance if content of target file is parseble object. If file does not exist or is a directory, this is undefined.

# DependencyType

Ƭ DependencyType: "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "optionalDependencies"

Defined in src/util/types.ts:9

Dependency types for Node.js modules.

# PackageManager

Ƭ PackageManager: "npm" | "yarn"

Defined in src/util/types.ts:6

Package manager

# PredicateFileOperation

Ƭ PredicateFileOperation: function

Defined in src/util/types.ts:12

Type of callback function to test whether related file operation should be done.

# Type declaration:

▸ (fileContent?: string | DataFile): Promise‹boolean› | boolean

Callback function to test whether related file operation should be done.


Name Type
fileContent? string | DataFile

# StdioOption

Ƭ StdioOption: "pipe" | "ignore" | "inherit" | Array‹"pipe" | "ipc" | "ignore" | "inherit" | Stream | number | undefined›

Defined in src/util/types.ts:70

# Variables


ALL_DEPENDENCIES: string[] = ["dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies", "optionalDependencies"]

Defined in src/module.ts:11

# swc

swc: "/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@swc/core/index"

Defined in src/intermodular.ts:12